Welcome to Only If Needed

The action that represents common will of many great professionals.
To us it means evolution.

What unites us?

Improvement of animal welfare and living conditions.

We know that combining experience, technology and goodwill we can come up with many great handling solutions to improve health and welfare.

What drives us?

Rational usage of therapeutic resources,

Only If Needed

We believe that not just antibiotics, but all resources should be used

Only If Needed

We are a team of independent experts, without conflict of interest, who have dedicated collective efforts to stimulate the transformation of pig production towards precision and sustainability. Degree2act is the first app for early detection of possible diseases using infrared technology.

Participate now if you are

Farmer / Vet

Use degree2act for early detection

Corporate / Academia

¿Do you need multi-users and database access?

Computer Scientist

Integrate degree2act into your software solutions

Pork Lover

Donate for degree2act project evolution

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